Australian teen Chris Lane killed in Oklahoma by black kids in a gang initiation? Why does this happen? Listen to the video link. No male figures in their lives...

89 year old WWII Veteran Delbert Benton killed by black youth in Spokane, WA...Update: Delbert Benton survived being wounded at Okinawa, only to be killed in Spokane...Why no media outrage over this? Meanwhile we have liberal (oh by the way a Democrat and Barack Obama volunteer) douchenozzels stirring the pot and making crap up to cause faux outrage. And they get a pass by the lamestream media. Update: Oprah says you are all racists...

Oberlin College student Dylan Bleier, a disgusting criminal liar who should be horsewhipped. And Juan Williams and Jesse Jackson, spare us okay? I get there is a bigger problem, but let's focus on that bigger problem and not inflame racial tensions when it is not really the cause.
Why isn't the media freaking out about these racially motivated crimes? Images
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