Comadres at the Wall: Drama at the Carolina Recreation CenterTania Chozet throws hissy fits at recreation center The most amusing whisper this week was the incident regarding Tania Chozet and the Carolina Recreation Center.

As some of you may know, the center is one of the most busy early voting sites in the county. We saw some posting on Facebook stating that Chozet had went into the lobby of the recreation center and sat down for about 30 minutes. Now this is contrary to state law folks and we hear some of her rival candidates were trying to get each other to go in and talk to the election judge and finally someone volunteered. A person went in and complained and the election judge made Chozet leave the rec center. She immediately confronted the person who reported her and chastised that person for tattle-tailing, and she said that she was inside “training her aunts to vote.” It’s rumor that this person after being confronted by Chozet responded, “how would you know, you’ve never voted,” referring to Chozets lack of a voting record since she returned to El Paso.

The second incident regarding Chozet and the Carolina Center was that one of the candidates hosted a tardeada. Chozet showed up and talked to the person in charge asking why they allowed the rival candidate to host a election party in a public facility. The rec center employees responded that the rooms could be rented by anyone for any purpose and that the candidate had rented it. Chozet then said that she wanted to rent it. The rec center employees then responded that the candidate had rented it far in advance and that Chozet would not be able to get a date close in time. Rumor is that the city got the Southside Neighborhood Association to organize a meeting of three neighborhood associations last night so that Omar Villa, candidate for El Paso Independent School District trustee could campaign. This was foiled when the incumbent Rosa Benedicto showed up and local activist countered the candidate and incumbent’s speeches.Not really a rumor, but does Chozet have volunteers. Her 8-day before election campaign finance report shows her campaign is paying people to canvass. If you need a job, you can get about $200-$240 for canvassing for two days. We don't have her campaigns phone number, but you can probably Google her.Also, we hear Vivian Rojas and Chozet are crashing events that other candidates are sponsoring, like showing up to Ysleta Teacher Association candidates events to pass our their own literature. Que gacho!
Comadres at the Wall: Drama at the Carolina Recreation Center Images
East Lothian Council
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