Lindsay gets committed

Packing for rehab: Lindsay Lohan posted a picture of herself packing for her stay in rehab on Tuesday night Lindsay Lohan is finally headed off to rehab as per her plea deal. She's got her gear packed up to - all 270 outfits. If you're keeping count that's 4 outfits a day for 90 days! So at least she's committed to this. There's only one slight small problems. Though she hauling along enough for an extended safari it's not clear where she's gonna drop that stuff yet. You see while Lindsay has agreed to got to rehab, she still hasn't agreed on which rehab facility she's going to!Lindsay had originally booked into Seafield in New York. There was just one problem. Seafield has a strict no smoking policy. Lindsay loves her cigarettes. So Lindsay tried negotiating with Seafield to see if the tobacco ban could be waved. Nothing doing. So Lindsay decided to try some place else. So after that it was on to Morningside Recovery in Newport Beach, California. For a gal who loves cigarettes, Newport has the right name.Lindsay has been at Morningside before. That was back in 2010. Apparently it wasn't very helpful. The institution has fallen on some hard times since then too. Back in November, 2011 their license was suspended. Something about them being careless with meds. They were also accused of operating beyond the scope of their license.Operating beyond their scope may have had something to do with the death of a patient suffering from bulimia and alcoholism.The man had a low electrolyte count (which can happen in both alcoholism, because of dehydration, and bulimia, because of vomiting). An electrolyte is basically a mineral salt. The body needs them for proper muscle function, and to maintain correct chemical balance. This is why jocks drink Gatorade instead of water. Drink too much water while exercising and you sweat out your mineral salts. That can make muscles sluggish. That's a problem in hi level athletic competition. Gatorade replaces electrolytes as well as fluid.Low electrolyte count can cause more than sluggishness. In extreme cases it can even lead to death. That's what happened in the case of the eating disorder patient at Morningside. According to his family's lawsuit he should have been transferred to a hospital. However that didn't happen. So the man suffered a heart attack while doing push ups. Swelling of the lining around the heart or brain can happen in extreme electrolyte imbalance.Then in 2012 and after a full hearing before the California Dept. of Alcohol and Drugs Programs, they had their license pulled! Millicent Tidwell, the Acting Deputy Director Over the Licensing and Certification Division at the Department said "Morningside cannot give any treatment" and adds, "It is a violation of the State law to operate a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility in California without a license. Morningside does not have a license."So this whole Morningside thing has caused some problems with the court. Mornginside wasn't the rehab that Lindsay and her lawyer Mark Heller had agreed to in their plea deal to keep Lindsay out of jail. So there's some concern that she's violated her agreement with the courts again. That has lead to a hearing in which the judge had to be reassured that everything is copacetic and that Lindsay is respectful complying with the terms of her deal. While the judge wasn't pleased with this last minute switcheroo, Heller informed the judge that Lindsay didn't have to be in the rehab agreed to by this time, only in a rehab. which she is. So technically she's lived up to her deal. The law is made of technicalities (and loopholes). That might hold water too except that instead of being in rehab at the time Lindsay was out and about at Fry's Electronics in Fountain Valley. Fry's is only about 15 mins from Newport so it's possible that she was picking up a few last minute item before checking in. However she was wandering the aisles around 9 AM and that was about the same time that Heller was reassuring a judge that Ms. Lohan was in fact already in a rehab facility.

The one thing that Lindsay and the court can agree on is that Morningside is no long term solution. It's just a place for Lindsay to park 270 outfits & multiple cartons of ciggies while waiting for her rehab of choice - Luken Institute in Florida, to accept her. So her father Michael is reassuring the media that this is only a minor bump on the road to recovery. Once Lindsay gets into Morningside, to comply with her deal, then he can work on getting her into Lukens. Then everyone will be happy!

Lindsay Lohan finally headed to rehab - sort of Images
Lindsay Lohan Out Of Rehab And Headed For L.A.
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FFN Lohan Lyndsay VAH 031813 51040838 Lindsay Lohan Is Headed To Rehab ...
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Is Lindsay Lohan headed back to rehab?
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Lindsay Lohan Enters Plea Deal, Headed to Rehab Instead of Jail ...
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